Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Black Death During The Middle Class - 1379 Words

When many people think of the Black Death they only think of the aspect of sick people dying. Although that was the tragedy that occurred, the whole picture includes social and economic changes within Europe. Since the population rapidly decreased due to the disease causing many to perish, the aftermath involved population regrowth, which also brought many changes along with it. Although a time of great loss, the Black Death allowed for the laboring class to financially benefit, causing financial distinctions amongst social classes to diminish. It also allowed for the rights of the lower class to increase and financial suffering for the middle class. The Black Death resulted in a push in the direction of modern Europe. Many people had different ideas on what caused the Plague. Some of the reasons included that God was correcting issues such as human wrongdoings, Jews were poisoning the Christians by putting poison in the water sources, and that an earthquake caused fumes to get into the air that people were then breathing in and becoming ill from (Marks, Geoffrey J). In reality, the plague was caused by Yersinia Pestis, which is a bacteria carried by rodents. If a rat carrying the bacteria were to bite a human, then the bacteria would enter the human’s bloodstream and would spread rapidly. The individuals that were affected had large swollen lymph nodes, high fever, and became delirious from pain (The Black Death). The most distinguishing side effect was patches on theShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of The Black Death Essay1115 Words   |  5 PagesThe Affect of the Black Death England in the year 1250-1350 BC was prosperous in the field of agriculture production. This prosperity was brought by good weather and favorable climate. 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